Game Modes

One of the best things about Tipsy Table is its flexibility. So we have listed some game modes to try, but we want to to play around and find out what works best for you!

And if you have a particular game mode that is really fun, let us know and we'll try and share it with everyone else!


  • Start with 3 corks standing anywhere on the table

  • Players take turns placing corks sideways

  • Players must successfully add 1 cork to end their turn

      • If some corks fall off or a standing cork gets knocked over, that's alright - just successfully place 1 cork

  • The player that knocks all the corks off loses


  • Take turns rolling a die and placing a cork in the corresponding section

      • Quadrants 1-4 extend to the middle; 5 is only within the inner circle. If you roll a 6, you can place your cork anywhere

  • The first player to knock off a cork loses


  • Before the game, everyone rolls a die that decides what quadrant to place corks in for the rest of the game

      • If you roll a 6, choose whatever quadrant you want

  • Players are eliminated if they knock off a cork

  • The last player standing wins!


  • Players start their turn by creating a rule

  • Using this and all previous rules, the player takes their turn

  • If they succeed, their rule stacks

      • Don’t forget to make a rule for how the game ends!

  • (Example rules: non-dominant hand, 1 eye closed, quack as you place a cork, remove rules, etc.)

Custom Game Modes (Responses)