Host your own

Tipsy Table Tournament!

Are you interested in hosting your own Tipsy Table Tournament?

Below we have included a rough outline of how you can make that happen and how you can adapt it to fit your winery/breweries needs!


  • First half-hour

      • Sign-ups and warm-ups

  • 15-minute rounds (for points)

      • Blindfolded corks in a minute

      • Chopstick corks in a minute

      • Tallest Stack

      • Rollers

      • Dice

      • Battle

  • Championship Round (between teams with most points)

    • Battle

General Suggestions

Suggested entry price per team: $40

Teams of either 2 or 4 players

For teams of 2, you should have at least 1/4 the number of tables as teams. For teams of 4, you should have at least 1/2.

You can add or take away game modes for points depending on the number of teams/time you want the tournament to last.

Teams should self-referee and sign off on the other team's points at the end of each round.

Prizes can be determined at your own discretion, but we think the at least the winning team should win a Tipsy Table.

Tournament Game Mode Rules

Blindfolded corks in a minute

Each player will have one minute to place as many corks on the table while wearing a blindfold.

  • Corks must be placed one at a time

  • At the the end of the the one minute, the number of corks that remain on the table = the number of points that player has earned for their team

  • Teams alternate until all players from each team have participated

  • After all players from each team have played, the total number of points is added and signed off on

Chopstick corks in a minute

Each player will have one minute to place as many corks on the table using a set of chopsticks.

  • Corks must be placed one at a time

  • At the the end of the the one minute, the number of corks that remain on the table = the number of points that player has earned for their team

  • Teams alternate until all players from each team have participated

  • After all players from each team have played, the total number of points is added and signed off on

Tallest Stack

Each player tries to make the tallest stack of corks that they can before corks fall.

  • Corks must be placed one at a time

  • Players cannot touch the tabletop or tower with anything but their corks

  • The number of corks in a stack before the turn that knocked them over = height of the stack

      • Other teams will referee stack heights

  • Points will be given out as followed

      • 1-2 corks = 5 points

      • 3-4 corks = 15 points

      • 5 corks = 25 points

      • 6 corks = 35 points

      • 7 corks = 50 points

      • 8 corks = 75 points

      • 9 corks = 100 points

      • 10 or more corks = 150 points

  • Teams alternate until all players from each team have participated

  • After all players from each team have played, the total number of points is added and signed off on


Each player will have one minute to place as many corks on the table using a set of chopsticks.

  • Start with 3 corks standing anywhere on the table

  • Players take turns placing corks sideways

  • Players must successfully add 1 cork to end their turn

      • If some corks fall off or a standing cork gets knocked over, that's alright - just successfully place 1 cork

  • Teams alternate placing corks

  • The team whose player knocks all the corks off loses. The winning team earns 100 points

      • If playing with teams of 2, only two teams should play at a time

  • After all players from each team have played, the total number of points is added and signed off on


  • Take turns rolling a die and placing a cork in the corresponding section

      • Quadrants 1-4 extend to the middle; 5 is only within the inner circle. If you roll a 6, you can place your cork anywhere

  • Players are eliminated if at least one cork falls during their turn

  • Gameplay continues until one player has not yet been eliminated

      • If all of the corks fall off before all players have been eliminated, continue gameplay

      • The team whose player is the last man standing receives 75 points

      • The team whose player is the 2nd-to-last man standing receives 50 points

      • The team whose player is the 3rd-to-last man standing receives 25 points

  • After gameplay is concluded, the total number of points is added and signed off on


  • Before the game, everyone rolls a die that decides what quadrant to place corks in for the rest of the game

      • If you roll a 6, choose whatever quadrant you want

  • Players are eliminated if at least one cork falls during their turn

  • Gameplay continues until one player has not yet been eliminated

      • If all of the corks fall off before all players have been eliminated, re-roll the dice to re-determine quadrants and continue gameplay

  • The last player standing's team wins and receives 150 points

      • If it is in the championship round, there are no points - the last player standing's team wins

  • After gameplay is concluded, the total number of points is added and signed off on